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Eight Quick Gratitude Boosters

Eight Quick Gratitude Boosters
Eight Quick Gratitude Boosters

Eight Quick Gratitude Boosters

Here are eight quick boosters to develop gratitude in your life.

1. Keep A Gratitude Journal

At the end of each day, make a list of three things you are grateful for. Think of everything whether it seems insignificant or not. As you are expressing gratefulness for both minor positive changes or larger ones. The list can be endless!

Make a list of the things you’re grateful to yourself for; today or in the past. They don’t all have to be big things or grand gestures. Perhaps you got everyone ready and out on time this morning or made an appointment for that health check you’ve been meaning to get. Don’t be afraid of thinking bigger too, express gratitude to yourself for being the best mum you can be, for supporting a friend when they needed it the most. I’m sure you can think of many more.

You could incorporate this into your morning or evening routine or simply carry a small journal with you throughout the day to jot down whatever comes to mind. You can pick up gratitude journals in many different sizes and with beautiful designs or simply use your favourite notebook. Many day planners also include places to write your daily gratitude in which I love because it keeps everything in one place. As you practise, you strengthen the neural pathways that help you find even more things to be grateful for. You are expressing gratitude for every positive aspect, whether significant or not. The fact is it is an accumulation towards changing your mindset so pretty soon, gratitude will be your normal attitude, by minute, hour, day week, month and year. Take time every day to write about the things that you appreciate. You can do this in conjunction with your morning or evening gratitude practise. But get in the habit of daily writing down three to five things for which you feel most grateful. Explain why you feel grateful for them as well. Over time you’ll notice how this becomes a positive source of inspiration - I love reading back over mine. And, they can be a great way to get your mood back on track when you’re facing a challenging day.

2. Write a Gratitude Letter

Choose someone who has made a positive impact on your life. Write he or she a letter explaining how and thanking them. Be specific and include lots of description. You can either mail the letter or just tuck it away. Expressing your gratitude heightens it.

3. Receive Gratefully

Many of us are better givers than receivers. So now put your focus on your experience of receiving gratitude. When you’re given a compliment, do you belittle yourself by saying “it was nothing” or by playing down your role? Or do you receive the compliment gratefully and acknowledge it? Notice your experience as a recipient and try to receive compliments or thanks with grace.

The law of giving and receiving places equal emphasis on both sides. The totality overall is being positive and grateful overall, everything becomes a positive as opposed to a negative. Therefore your overall vibration metamorphosis changes and augments into a positive vibration, in line with the universal aspect of positive energy , which in turn comes back to you positively.

4. Show Yourself Some Appreciation

You deserve your own gratitude too. Don’t wait for someone else to tell you how well you’re doing - tell yourself. If you’re not used to acknowledging your own strengths then this might feel challenging to begin with but stick with it because it gets easier.

5. Reduce Negative Thoughts

When you’ve been used to seeing the world in a negative way, your mind might put up a little resistance to your new gratitude practise. Learn to simply observe the negative thoughts and notice when they arise… Maybe you’ll catch yourself looking at your friend’s new car; sparkling and much more exciting than yours. While scrolling through the phone you’ll compare yourself to someone and feel less than enough. Look out for these thoughts and rather than berate yourself for having them simply counterbalance them with something positive that you’re feeling grateful for. Since there are so many physical, mental, and emotional benefits to developing a mindset of gratitude, why not start cultivating that mindset now? Please use these suggestions above to help you get started. Developing a gratitude mindset is simple but it does ask that you keep an open mind to making changes and remain consistent with your practise. If you aren’t a grateful person by nature—or if life has made you ungrateful, pessimistic, or generally upset with life — you can develop a gratitude mindset or, as some people say, an attitude of gratitude. It just takes practise.

6. Begin Every Day With Gratitude

When you open your eyes when you wake up, be thankful for a new day before you worry about what time it is and how much you have to get done. While you shower think of three things that you’re grateful for; the snugly bed that you just got out of, warm clean water to wash with and the food that you’ll be enjoying for breakfast. Some days it might stop there and other days the list might go on and on. As soon as you swing your legs out of bed and your feet hit the floor in the morning, focus on gratitude. Think of at least three things for which you feel grateful. The stronger the feeling the better. Maybe you can think of something that makes your heart feel happy or your eyes fill with tears because you appreciate it so much. Starting each day like this, helps us see the good in our lives and stops us complaining about the small things that are not all that important. It also creates a positive mood for the rest of your day.

7. Express Your Gratitude

Every day tell someone you feel grateful for them being in your life. Explain what they do for you or what it is about them that you appreciate. The more you think about and express gratitude on a daily basis, the more grateful you will feel on a regular basis. Your mindset will shift, and so will your life. Everything will look and feel better than it did before you developed a gratitude practise. And you’ll quickly notice more things coming into your life for which you can, again, feel grateful. We’ve probably all been guilty of taking people for granted, especially those that are closest to us. Perhaps your partner picked up your favourite chocolates for you or your mum did the school run for you last week? Maybe a neighbour brings in your bins while you’re at work or closes the gate after the postman.

They’re all small things that are so easy to take for granted. But a small thank you goes a long way to show how much we appreciate these small gestures. It also cultivates stronger relationships and is a great example to show our children - don’t you think?

8. Focus On Gratitude Before You Go To Sleep

When you put our head on the pillow each night, again think of at least three things for which you feel grateful. Consider things that happened during the day. Express your appreciation by remembering them and thinking, “I’m grateful for…because…” Think about how that event or person changed your day for the better. This way gratitude becomes part of your consciousness as you sleep until your wake up. Now you are working towards being grateful 24 hours a day, whether awake or not, and the positive power of gratitude becomes a natural part of you and your consciousness.

Michael J Robey

Psychic Medium | Psychic Investigator | Spiritual Counsellor

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