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Develop A Gratitude Mindset

Develop A Gratitude Mindset

Gratitude creates an abundance mindset. You can practise appreciation daily, and your life will change exponentially for the better. Being thankful shouldn't be an occasional thought process. Learn how to be more grateful every day to have a healthier, happier life.

Many of us spend most of our time, whether per minute, hour, day week or year, thinking about what we want and what’s next. It’s not until Thanksgivings Day, so we may have a good harvest, or Christmas Eve, so Father Christmas brings us presents, that we should remind ourselves to think about what we’re grateful for and how to express that gratitude.

Expressing thanks shouldn’t be a once-a-year tradition. It is possible to cultivate a gratitude mindset that will stick with you throughout the year. A gratitude mindset means lower levels of envy, anxiety, and depression as well as increased optimism and well-being. By expressing gratitude regularly gives you, by expressing it, the power to heal, to be energised, and to change lives. Every time something happens for you which is positive whether a minute gift or large, express your gratitude immediately for it.

What Are The Benefits Of Gratitude?

Gratitude can impact the physical, psychological, and social aspects of your well-being. Positive psychology sees gratitude as one of the keys in turning your potential negatives into positives.

Here are some of the benefits that come from adopting a gratitude mindset.

Physical Benefits:

  • a stronger immune system

  • less bothered by aches and pains

  • lower blood pressure

  • sleep longer and feel more rested upon awakening

Social Benefits:

  • more compassionate, generous, and helpful

  • more forgiving

  • more outgoing

  • feel less lonely or isolated

Psychological Benefits:

  • higher levels of positive emotion

  • more alert, alive, awake

  • more joy and pleasure

  • more optimism and happiness

The Challenges To Gratitude

Being thankful might seem like a simple task. However, there are barriers to gratitude, including narcissism, materialism, and even over scheduling. There are also the myths that gratitude expressed at work, where you are trying to simply please the boss, that it can lead to complacency, isn’t possible in the midst of suffering, or makes you a pushover.

Gratitude is stronger when it is shared. To sustain your gratitude mindset, find a way to verbalise, write it down, or share through social media. Just like meditation is a practise, so too is gratitude.

Gratitude is essential for happiness. By setting the intention to prioritise gratitude, you have already begun to adopt the mindset. So thank yourself!

We all know what gratitude means. But how many of us really express it daily; to ourselves, the world around us and the people that we meet? Can you imagine how different life would be if we all did that Now it can be easy to get caught up in all the things that aren’t working in your life; the parts of your home you’d like to improve, the job that you don’t love and your partner’s annoying habits! On top of that we’re always comparing ourselves to others and are left feeling like we come up short.

But, what if you could turn that around?... You may have heard the phrase ‘attitude of gratitude’ and you’d be forgiven for thinking that it was the latest self-help fad. But studies have shown that the benefits of gratitude include a happier outlook on life, feeling less lonely, easing anxiety and even helping us get a better night’s rest. That all sounds pretty good, right? It’s easier than you think to develop a gratitude mindset and build habits into your day that support a new way of looking at life. Here’s how you can get started:-

An Abundance Mindset

An abundance mindset is a belief that there are enough resources and success in the world to share with others. Someone once taught me that gratitude is the most powerful prayer you can say. Over the years, however, I’ve also learnt that it’s the most impactful habit and mindset you can develop if you want to see, and experience, your life and the world in a more positive light. Most of us have a habit of seeing the downside of…well…everything. We regularly see the glass half empty (rather than half full), no matter what that glass represents. We see the bank account as not having enough money in it, our job as not good enough, our partner as deficient in many ways, and our living condition as sub-par. We don’t stop to consider the fact that some people have no money in the bank, no job or partner, and no roof over their heads. We notice the driver who does not let us merge into traffic and don’t acknowledge the one who slows down and waves us into the lane. We feel angry about the waitress who seems to be unpleasant, but we don’t feel appreciative of the one who serves us cheerfully. We complain that our spouse doesn’t listen and don’t acknowledge the fact that he brings us our favourite ice cream from the grocery store. Maybe you know someone like this…maybe it’s you. This way of seeing the world does not make for a happy or positive experience.

The Negativity Habit

Several people who are quite close to me have what I call a “negativity habit.” They see everything through a lens of negativity and ingratitude. They complain about even the good things in life. How much better would their life be and their experience of their life, if they had a habit of gratitude, an outlook and mindset that put them into constant appreciation for all that they have? The change would be drastic. But they choose to see only the negative. They focus on what they don’t have rather than on what they do have. And they feel little, if any, gratitude for anything.

The Gratitude Habit

Not everyone has a grateful mindset. But you can develop a gratitude habit. You can practise appreciation daily, and your life will change exponentially for the better. When you do so, you begin seeing the glass as half full. Everything looks a bit better—your bank account, your spouse’s actions, your job or boss, the other drivers, the traffic. When everything looks a bit better and you move into that feeling place of gratitude and appreciation, you feel better in general. You become happier and more peaceful. This does not mean that you settle for a boss who treats you badly, too little pay, an inattentive spouse, or anything else you don’t want in your life. But you accept it and feel grateful for a job, a paycheck, a spouse, money in the bank. And from that place of gratitude, you choose to make changes. Your new attitude generates a different type of energy. Your appreciation draws to you what you want. You develop the ability to focus on what you want without feeling badly about not having it. That’s how you manifest your desires.

Four Reasons for Invoking Gratitude Into Your Life

1. Gratitude Shifts Your Mindset For something to change in your life, one of two things has to happen: your life changes, or you do. Waiting for life to change is a pretty passive solution. When you’re stuck in a problem mentality you miss out on all the opportunities for solutions that are knocking on your door every day, simply because you don’t even hear them or see them. Open your eyes to a gratitude practise and all of a sudden things start to fall into place for you and for your business. Being an entrepreneur means being proactive, not passive, so switch your mindset and see life change. How? Start by keeping a daily list of events that you are grateful for each night. Some call it a gratitude journal. You can call it whatever you want. But focusing on who came to your aid that day, what opportunities arose and how the day planted fruitful seeds for a better tomorrow will prove to you day after day that you are well taken care of and capable of succeeding with all the help that surrounds you.

2. Gratitude Creates Solutions Adopting a gratitude practise takes you out of a problem and toward a solution. It removes you from complaining mode and into a best-outcomes mindset. That’s a skill you need in your life and in your business decision-making. Whole companies and industries have been created from seeing solutions where others only saw obstacles. What will your contribution be? Make gratitude part of your company culture. How? Simply start by keeping a mental checklist of your triggers. We all have our things that set us off into complaining or annoyance. What are your complaint triggers during the day? Just observe them for a few days and keep a list as they pop up. Then try to set some time at the end of the week, 15 minutes should be enough, to look at those triggers and brainstorm solutions. This can be part of your integrated gratitude practise because if you can see the opportunity in the challenges you face, you will probably be onto solving a pain-point for many other people as well. Gratitude has a ripple effect that could just echo through your start up. 3. Gratitude Is Contagious I can’t speak for you, but I personally don’t like being in business with jerks. I don’t like whiners, complainers or otherwise unpleasant-to-be-around people. There are too many smart, talented and pleasing-to-be-around individuals in this world for me to want to work with or hire the ones that aren’t. When you’re grateful you tend to exude and share that contagious positive energy. People like me like that and we tend to be drawn to you. Our energy is contagious and we do good things together and are better for having come together. That’s pretty much the only contagious thing happening in the world right now that you can get excited about. How? Watch your words. What you say is usually how you act, so be aware of complaining and replace whines with positive words. Start with you, be the change and watch as the world changes around you and your gratitude practise.

4. Gratitude Increases Your Positive Internal Vibration Of Consciousness

Gratitude is a positive mindset, therefore if you adapt it on a daily basis, then your internal positive vibration will automatically increase. Which will in turn, create an overall positive nature to your mind, body and spirit. Each day, slowly but surely, your vibration increases, until it becomes so natural to you, that you could not envisage any way but to lead your whole life in a positive and grateful manner, simply because you reversed the trend and started to live your life with gratitude.

“If you look at what you have in life, you will always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you will never have enough.” — Oprah Winfrey

Michael J Robey Psychic Medium | Psychic Investigator | Spiritual Counsellor Psychic gr

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