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Using Essential Oils To Balance Your Chakras

Using Essential Oils To Balance Your Chakras

"Chakra", which is the Sanskrit word for "wheel", refers to seven site specific concentrations of energy emanating from the body. Each of these Chakra centres govern its own expression of associated bodily, emotional and spiritual energy, yet each are linked and in tune with all the others.

When one or more of the chakras is over- or under-expressing its associated energy, it manifests as an imbalance in the body, mind and spirit. When all of the chakras are balanced in their expression, then the physical, mental and spiritual well being is manifested.

Essential Oils Promotes Chakra Balancing

Within the practice of aromatherapy, the influence that aromatic plant essential oils have on the body, mind and spirit, can be adapted to promote greater balanced chakra functioning. By applying essential oils one can either activate and energize sluggish chakra functions or calm and quieten over-active ones. Balancing oils are good candidates for maintaining support of well-regulated chakras.

A combination of both activating and calming oils will tend to have an overall balancing and supportive benefit to the chakras. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

Root Chakra - (Nutmeg / Cloves / Patchouli / Veriver / Bergamot)

A foot massage is a great way to balance the root chakra which regulates your sense of groundedness and stability. Nutmeg will activate a sluggish root chakra, while patchouli and vetiver calm an over active one. Choose a balancing essential oil such as bergamot to help maintain a smoothly functioning root chakra.

Sacral Chakra - (Cardomom / Orange / Ylang Ylang / Neroli / Bergamot / Sweet Orange / Sandalwood)

The sacral chakra, which influences your sensuality, benefits from a lower back massage. Spicy cardamon essential oil awakens a dormant sacral chakra, while ylang ylang and neroli calm . Look to sweet orange and sandalwood to maintain a well functioning sacral chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra - (Chamomile / Eucalyptus / Juniper Berry / Vetiver / Helichrysum / Citrus Bliss / Grapedruit / Lemon)

A gentle tummy massage influences the functioning of the solar plexus chakra which influences your gut instincts. Apply eucalyptus and juniper berry to activate the solar plexus, and vetiver or helichrysum to calm an over active one. Good balancing oils to apply to an already well expressed solar plexus chakra are citrus bliss, grapefruit and lemon.

Heart Chakra - (Palmarossa / Lavender / Sweet Marjoram / Geranium / Rose)

The emotional centre that is the heart chakra readily benefits from a supportive perfumed annointing oil, applied to the breast bone or massaged into the middle back area. Palmarossa essential oil will open the heart chakra, while lavender and sweet marjoram will quieten it down. Try regular applications of geranium or rose essential oil to maintain a well functioning heart chakra.

Throat Chakra - (Lemon / Lavender / Roman Chamomile / Vanilla / Coriander Seed / Ginger)

A body spray applied to chest and neck areas is an efficient way to influence the functioning of the throat chakra which influences your expressiveness and communication. Turn to lemon essential oil to open a sluggish throat chakra, and vanilla or Roman chamomile to calm. Coriander seed and ginger are balancing oils to maintain the even expression of the throat chakra.

Third Eye Chakra - (Rosemary / Clary Sage / Lavadin / German Chamomile / Frankincense / Sandalwood)

A room diffusion applied to the airspace around you is the best way to balance the transcendent crown chakra which occupies the space above the crown of your head. Spicy sweet lavadin clarifies a low functioning crown chakra, while neroli or vanilla calm. Look to frankincense to maintain a well functioning crown chakra.

For more information visit Essential Oils for the Chakras

Michael J Robey

Psychic Medium | Psychic Investigator

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