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Why Are You Attracted To The Wrong Person

Why Are You Attracted To The Wrong Person?

You may have reflected on this question a lot. Most people at some point ask themselves

“Why am I attracted to people who are wrong for me?” There are so many subconscious things that attract us to a person, it’s impossible, really, to have a full understanding of what motivates any of us.

Feeling A Lack Of Self Worth

Your self worth may be lifted high when you go out on a date, only to find it come crashing down when they failed to call or agree for a second date. Or the courtship phase inevitably leads to some form of disappointment — on both parts — as things begin to get "real".

Maybe you are putting your happiness in the hands of others; Letting them decide if you are worth it; taking on a person as if it were like a challenge: e.g. “I’ll make him fall in love with me!” But that’s like working backwards - when really, the only approval you need is your own.

Knowing Your Self Worth

You will understand and know your self worth when you don't feel the need to prove anything to anyone, let alone ‘make’ them fall in love with you. Self worth is one of the defining factors in who you find yourself attracted to. Maybe you don’t think you deserve what you truly want, so you settle for less. We’ve all heard about the law of attraction— it also plays an important part in relationships. If you walk around thinking, “I’m not beautiful enough, I’m not funny enough, I’m not smart enough”, then how will you possibly attract a partner that will see these qualities in you? If your actions always stem from your thoughts, when you're having thoughts like these (consciously or unconsciously), you're not naturally positioning yourself into the company of others of like-minded action. Yet when your self-esteem is in a high state, it will do the opposite. You will attract people that feed into it. Either way, it begins and ends with you

Playing The Field or Fearing Commitment

Fear also plays an important role in who you might be attracted to. Especially in the younger generation. In this days of social media we’ve developed this ability of being able to bounce from one thing to another, without having to invest too much time or energy into it. Just like instant custard. Being with someone who isn’t right for you requires no less than that. It’s simply a temporary solution for an everlasting problem. The truth is, nobody wants to be alone, but nobody wants to be hurt either. Hence the compromise of being with someone just to fill a void, with no commitment, no disappointments, no heartbreaks. It may suit and your life style, yet how long in life can you continue with this kind of emptiness. Now, falling in love: that’s scary. Being with someone who is right for you and letting them in, is putting yourself in a very vulnerable state, because it might actually work. You will both have to get to know each other, adapt, find common ground and compromise. There are consequences to love and some of us would rather not deal with the eventuality of getting hurt. There are many different reasons why women fall for the wrong men, including self-esteem issues, misplaced priorities, a disregard for red flags, as well as a need for relationship drama. Fortunately, once you fully understand the underlying causes behind your misplaced attention and affection toward these unworthy and undeserving men, you can close this chapter in your life and look toward a better and brighter future. Mr. Right can right around the corner if you do right by yourself first. For men who fall for the wrong woman, it is generally because they are looking for an easy outlet. If your values are shallow then that is what you are likely to attract. A woman of long term worth seeks love, affection, understanding, solidity and loyalty.

The Journey Ends Where It Began: With Your Self

If you look back on some of the situations you settled for in the past, it always comes down to how you felt about yourself. There are things you are willing to tolerate when you don’t value yourself enough, that you wouldn’t accept if you were in a place of perfect harmony with your self worth, so setting about changing your thoughts and raising your consciousness is the best self worth exercise you can do for yourself. Everyone has their differing methods of going about it– it all depends on what you want out of life. But in life, like relationships, there is one thing for certain of: it all starts from within you. Are you ready to settle down, just not with anyone you’ve been dating lately?

Michael J Robey

Psychic Medium | Psychic Investigator |Spiritual Counsellor


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