Toroidal Energies Of The Human Body
Toroidal Energies Of The Human Body
The human body is encased in a toroidal electromagnetic energy field, which emanates from the human heart. The heart’s electromagnetic frequency arcs out from the heart and back in the form of a toroidal (torus) field.
Protective Sphere
This toroidal electromagnetic energy field (torus) acts like a protective sphere around our physical bodies. We naturally sense it, although maybe not aware of it, when we naturally stay a short distance apart from other human beings, because we energetically sense a frequency disturbance between each other. Only when we are familiar with a person, do we allow ourselves to come closer, so both spheres become entwined and the energy feels very different.
The axis of this heart torus extends from the pelvic floor to the top of the skull, and the whole field is holographic, meaning that information about it can be read from each and every point in the torus.
The torus field is the energy field around the heart when coherent with the frequencies of the holy spirit of love-in-action (violet aura), which is a golden ratio algorithm of the 3/4 rhythm of the heart. The auric torus field around the body is centered in the heart, the strongest electromagnetic field in the body.
Two Toroidal Spheres
Most torus dynamics contain two toruses or “tori” - like the male and female aspects. one is spiraling upwards and the other downwards.
There is an inner toroidal energetic sphere which extends around your body. This sphere can be considered to extend as far as you can extend your arm naturally, i.e. not over stretched.
The outer toroidal energetic sphere extends out further generally the length of the human body but vertically. This sphere senses a wider range field which energetically enables a survival sense of negative or positive energies which can either harm or protect it.
Within A Conscious Toroidal Sphere
Within this conscious sphere are the elements of the chakras, merkabah, metatron cube, kabbalistic grid, kundalini, DNA etc. When you consciously visualise to enhance these elements within your sphere, you attune your mind body spirit, raising your vibrational frequencies to a higher state of consciousness. Thereby empowering your capacity to connect with your higher self in spirit. As your higher self is encased within it, vibrating and existing inter-dimensionally. By visualizing your own torus sphere and letting go, you are creating complete coordination of your Mind, Body and Spirit. You will find you are creating your ultimate inner strength, being physically immovable, impenetrable, whilst you are still relaxed, aware and focused. Visualisation can act as full protection from negative energies around you, and a greater awareness of your spiritual light being existence.
The Torus Field Of Planet Earth, Sun and Galaxy
Toroidal energy fields exist around everything: people, trees, the earth, sun, galaxies and Universe. It is the key to everything because your entire life is created by and from this place. There is also a torus field around every atom's heart (nucleus), around the Planet Earth from North to South magnetic poles, around our Sun as the heart (nucleus) of our solar system, and even our galaxy, funneling cosmic energy in from the top and bottom through a black hole at the heart of our galaxy.
Quantum Portal Stargates
The torus field 'wholeness' at the heart of our Galaxy is a quantum 'portal' or 'stargate' that is wholly connected to every other torus field 'whole' in the universe. This Unified Source Field links quantum light from atoms and cells on Earth to atoms in galaxies beyond our own.
The all connected nature of the Universal Source Field is the entirety of all universes resonating in your DNA, pulsating in your heart and powering perceptions in the 3-D holodeck 'brain field' between your ears.
Ascension Codes
The Ascension Codes are actually the 'Source Code' language for your 3-D holodeck. Mastery of 3-D wholeness naturally opens your stargate portal to the heart of Source and the universal mind of God.
Holistic Wholeness
When you consider how the quantum field of vibrational actuality is all-connected through these "torus field" stargates in a vast web of light from atomic to galactic. When you understand how you co-create with the intelligence of ‘Creator’ in your torus holodeck, it gives wholly new meaning to the word ‘whole’ with the same root word source as the words ‘holistic’, ‘holographic’, ‘holy’ and ‘holodeck’. Michael J Robey Psychic Medium | Psychic Investigator | Spiritual Counsellor #torodial #torus #energy #electromagnetic #ascension #holographic #mindbodyspirit #humanbody #protection #sphere