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The Lions Gate Portal

The Lions Gate Portal

Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called “The Lions Gate”. The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms.

However an event occurred during the incredible influx of light that bathed the Earth during the opening of the Lions Gate portal on August 8th 2020.

On that sacred and holy day. literally hundreds of millions of people consciously participated in the facet of the Divine Plan and every man, woman and child on Earth participated through their "I Am Presence", whether they were consciously aware or not.

Our "I Am Presence" Integration

With the incredible activities of light since the birth of this new decade of 2020, humanity in mass reached a critical mass of energy vibration and consciousness that allowed every person "I Am Presence" to fully integrate into our earthly bodies. This is something that each and every one of us has been waiting for since our fall from grace. Humanity is now in a position to reconnect with our higher self in ways we have not experienced since our fall of grace eons ago. As one unified breath, humanity focused on the opening of the Lions Gate and the expansion of strength and courage within our heart flame.

5D Crystalline Solar Lions Gate

This year our Father Mother God were able to in breathe Mother Earth and all life evolving upon her through the original Lions Gate, into the higher fifth dimensional crystalline solar Lions Gate, that pulsates in the atmosphere above the New Earth. As this occurred the "I Am Presence" of every person on Earth was able to fully integrate at an atomic cellular level into our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies.

Greater Access To Our Higher Consciousness

Now this aspect of our own divinity has far greater access to our conscious minds than ever before. Creating new levels of higher consciousness to flow into our mental and emotional bodies. Which is allowing the intuitive inner guidance of our "I Am Presence" to be heard once again.

Our " I Am Presence" Code

We are being encouraged to intensify our connection with our Father Mother God much more directly by referring aspect of our own divinity as our " I Am Presence" When we say 'I Am My I Am Presence", it is a code word which connects us instantaneously with the part of us which is directly created in God's image and connects us to the source that is All That Is.

We Are One

"We are One" is a profound truth, When we invoke our "I Am My I Am Presence" with the " I Am Presence" of every man, woman and child on Earth, there is a tremendous influx of light and shift from our "I Am Presence" which is received by all other "I Am Presence" of the collective family of every person within our planet. This is accomplished because "We are One" and there is no separation.

The Divine Plan Of Ascension

The opening of the Lions Gate portal was all part of the process of the Divine Plan of Ascension, proceeding the Planetary Reboot, which occurred during the six days of October 17 - 22nd of 2020. See my recent blog articles on with regard to the Planetary Reboot and Ascension process we are currently experiencing so I don't need to go through the same information on here. Michael J Robey Psychic Medium | Psychic Investigator | Spiritual Counsellor Psychic gr


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