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The Akashic Records

The Akashic Records
The Akashic Records

The Akashic Records

The Akashic Records also known as Book of Life, are said to be the universal library of all events and responses concerning consciousness in all realities. Everything that has ever happened, is happening and can happen is recorded in the Akashic Records as an etheric database of encrypted data on everything and everyone that ever was, Is, and will be. Every life form therefore contributes and has access to the Akashic Records.

Akashic Record History

The Akashic Records stem from the 5000 year old Sanskrit word "akasha" which means "space". They are the "hidden library" in space, a secret hall of records which can be revealed by diving into the subconscious mind in deep state of meditation.

Subconscious Awareness

The Akasha exists at the subconscious level - the state of awareness just before you wake up in the morning or right as you're falling asleep. Only through a deep state of meditation can one bridge the gap and read what's in this massive informational databank without losing consciousness and falling asleep. When we step beyond our normal chattering ego-based mindset and into the silence, we can hear, see and feel this information as if God was whispering it into us.


The Akash has what we would call drivers. Drivers are what communicate certain feelings about the Akash into your brain, and it allows you to sense something. It does not come as memory as we said and the Akashic system does not necessarily feature the communication of an individual past life. That may come later with DNA awakening and processing. Normal Akashic drivers do not broadcast to the brain who you were, where you were, or when you were. There are no names and no genders, even though you think you may know. What it does instead is to give you experiential, emotional concepts. The Akashic drivers for humanity, at the moment, are the same ones that have existed for eons. The things that you will sense first from your Akash, that drive themselves into your consciousness, are survival instincts. They are about past experiences that created fear, drama and unfinished business. You know I’m right. What is it you sense, old soul? It’s what you’re afraid of. The Akash will deliver this to your consciousness, not as a remembrance of what happened, but as a survival emotion of what happened. These Akashic attributes are called drivers because they drive you into action, or in many cases, non-action. You feel something, and you won’t go there or do something because of what you feel. Is it intuition or Akashic remembrance? The concepts you receive are at the DNA level and they radiate to your brain and drive you through this exposure to the emotional part of your thinking. Why are these things such low energy? Why fear and drama? Why unfinished business and, yes, let’s call it what it is – guilt. Why? You are an old soul! The energy of what you have created on the planet drives Gaia’s consciousness and the efficiency of your DNA and the future of humanity. It represents your free will up to this point, and that’s changing

Reading Akashic Records

Reading your own Akashic Records doesn’t require you to access the Hall of the Akashic Records, where all the Akashic Records are stored. You carry the energetic copy of your own Akashic Records. So, reading your own Akashic Records is not particularly difficult, but still there are some prerequisites. One is the ability to get into a meditative state. While the regular intuition can come in a casual way, reading the Akashic Records takes a little more focus. You need to be able to set aside your current thoughts and be open to whatever information you may find. The other prerequisite is the willingness to reveal and accept whatever is recorded about yourself. You might receive disturbing information, such as the way you died in one of your past lives or some serious problems that bothered you for a long time back then—and how you yourself contributed to the problem. To start a reading session of your Akashic Records, you might want to have a certain ritual. Doing some preparatory meditation is a good idea. Voicing your intention is also a good practice. Say something like, “Let the energy of Love, Light, and Truth prevail on Earth. My spirit guides, please help me open my Akashic Records so that I may have the wisdom to live this life with more awareness and courage.” The “Love, Light, and Truth” part is essential. You are making it clear that you are doing this reading with love, not judgments; with light spiritual awareness, not confusion; and for truth, rather than hiding in untruth or ignorance. In other words, you are saying that you are open to the truth, whatever it may be, and you are willing to receive it with love and light. Being capable of knowing the intimate information in your own Akashic Record is an incredible experience. The ability to explore these hidden ancient records that are buried within our subconscious is one of the most freeing, healing, and completely natural, spiritual inner experiences one can have. All that is required is deep relaxation, a vigilant focus, an open mind, trusting heart, and the willingness to explore the unknown!

Michael J Robey

Psychic Medium | Psychic Investigator | Spiritual Counsellor


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