Planetary Reboot Event October 2020
Planetary Reboot Event October 2020
Light Worker Warriors, you and I are precious souls who have been preparing for lifetimes for the events which are unfolding on Earth this year. The impending Planetary Reboot which will take place in October 2020, is an essential facet of Earth's ascension process.
I would like to ask you to actively add your magnificent light and the powerful abilities you have been acquiring for lifetimes to the monumental phase of this Divine Plan.
Thousands of light workers from all over the world have been organising and co-creating an unprecedented Planetary Reboot in unison with the Company of Heaven, between October 17 - 22, 2020 for 2 hours each day for 6 days beginning at 10 am PST.
A live virtual online event, taking place for all to join the global event free of charge.
Shift Of Consciousness
This Planetary Reboot will catapult Mother Earth and all life evolving on earth into frequencies of light beyond anything we have ever been able previously to assimilate.
This unfathomable influx of light will create a sacred space for quantum shift, within the mass consciousness of humanity. That we will positively affect every person, place, condition and thing now manifesting in the world of form.
This light transforming shift of consciousness will allow the awakening masses of humanity, to remember the training that each and everyone of us experienced over a myriad of lifetimes, in preparation for this cosmic moment. You were born for this planetary mission.
Guided Meditations
Everyday the two hour online presentation will consist of guided meditations and activities of light from the Company of Heaven.
The Beings of Light will guide us step by step, through the critical facet of the unfolding Divine Plan. that will be accomplished through the unified efforts of humanity and the Company of Heaven.
These presentations will be encoded by the Company Of Heaven in the eternal moment of now.
If you cannot join us live, whenever you have the heart call to watch the replays of these videos, your "I Am presence" will be your magnificent light and gift into this Planetary Reboot.
If you have the heart call to assist with this vitally important Planetary Reboot just go to the website Era Of Peace to register.
Please forward this to those who you feel would be willing to participate in this Planetary Reboot and to add their light to this essential facet to Planet Earth's ascension process.
Michael J Robey
Psychic Medium | Psychic Investigator | Spiritual Counsellor
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