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A Holographic Universe

A Holographic Universe

In simplistic terms, a holographic Universe means information that makes up what we perceive as a 3D reality is stored on a 2D surface, including time. This means, essentially, everything you see and experience is an illusion. Therefore, everything you see, feel and hear in three dimensions, and your perception of time, in fact emanates from a flat two-dimensional field. You may have seen a hologram on a large or small scale. For example: A 3D image is encoded in a 2D surface on a credit card. A 3D film creates the illusion of 3D objects from a flat 2D screen. A 3D holographic display which gives the illusion of a moving object which you can walk round , which emanates from a 2D disc program. The difference in a 3D Universe is that we can touch objects and the 'projection' is 'real', from our perspective.

Evidence Of A Holographic Universe

To find the 'evidence', the researchers developed models of the holographic Universe that can be tested by peering back in time as far as 13 billion years, at the furthest reaches of the observable Universe. These models depend on the theory of quantum gravity, a theory that challenges the accepted version of classical gravity. The holographic principle says gravity comes from thin, vibrating strings which are all holograms of a flat, 2D Universe. Recent advances in telescopes and sensing equipment have allowed scientists to detect a vast amount of data hidden in the 'white noise' or microwaves left over from the moment the Universe was created. Using this information, the team was able to make comparisons between networks of features in the data and quantum field theory. They found some of the simplest quantum field theories could explain nearly all cosmological observations of the early Universe. This, they claim, moves quantum gravity away from being an alternative theory and towards an accepted model; the first time such 'evidence' has been found. "We are proposing using this holographic Universe, which is a very different model of the Big Bang than the popularly accepted one that relies on gravity and inflation," said Niayesh Afshordi, from the University of Waterloo and Perimeter Institute, and lead author of the study.

The Timeline Of The Holographic Universe

In the above picture is a sketch of the timeline of the holographic Universe, time runs from left to right. The far left shows the holographic phase which is blurry because space and time are not yet well defined. Patterns imprinted in it carry information about the very early Universe and seed the development of structures of stars and galaxies in the late time Universe (on the far right).

Theory Of General Relativity

Professor Skenderis comments: “Einstein's theory of general relativity explains almost everything on a large scale in the Universe very well, but starts to unravel when examining its origins and mechanisms at quantum level.

“Scientists have been working for decades to combine Einstein's theory of gravity and quantum theory. Some believe the concept of a holographic Universe has the potential to reconcile the two. I hope our research takes us another step towards this."

Theory Of Quantum Gravity

The holographic principle is a property of quantum gravity theories which resolves the black hole information paradox within string theory. The principle states that the description of a volume of space should be thought of as encoded on a boundary to the region, preferably a light-like boundary like a gravitational horizon. For a black hole, the principle states that the description of all the objects which will ever fall in is entirely contained in surface fluctuations of the event horizon. In a larger and more speculative sense, the theory suggests that the entire universe can be seen as a two-dimensional information structure "painted" on the cosmological horizon, so that the three dimensions we observe are only an effective description at low energies. Cosmological holography has not yet been made mathematically precise, partly because the cosmological horizon has a finite area and grows with time. It has been claimed, on general physical principles, that the holographic principle may manifest itself in the form of background noise in gravitational wave detectors such as the GEO 600. The theory that reality, as we consciously experience it, is not real, goes back to the indigenous people who believed that we exist in a dream or illusion. In our current timeline, we refer to our virtual reality experience as a matrix, grids, simulation and hologram. There are those trying to prove the simulation exists and others who are trying to break us out of

Time Is An Illusion

If time is an illusion, therefore so is everything else. The universe is a consciousness hologram or simulation. Reality is a projected illusion within. It is a virtual experiment created in linear time to study emotions. Our simulation is composed of grids created by a source consciousness brought into awareness by electromagnetic energy at the physical level. The hologram is created and linked through a web, or grid matrixes.

More information: Niayesh Afshordi et al. From Planck Data to Planck Era: Observational Tests of Holographic Cosmology, Physical Review Letters (2017). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.041301

Michael J Robey

Psychic Medium | Psychic Investigator


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