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555 Stargate 5th May 2021

555 Stargate 5th May 2021

555 Stargate 5th May 2021
555 Stargate 5th May 2021

The 5th May 2021 marks a new triple portal stargate for Mother Earth and the Ascension of Human Consciousness. This will provide brand new sacred codes and keys for the evolution of humankind.

New crystalline plasma influxes emanating from massive cosmic rays and solar flares will shift human consciousness to new levels of awareness and vibrational frequencies to our developing solar crystalline twelve strand DNA structure, enabling us to pass through this triple portal stargate of 555.

The significance of the date being the 5th day of the 5th month of 2021 (adding to 5), hence 555.

New Influx Of Divine Light

The influx of Divine Light enveloping Mother Earth through this new Stargate will move Humanity into a new spectrum of possibilities paving the way for powerful interdimensional changes that will move humankind closer to the Evolutionary Shift into Unity Consciousness.

Concurrent 3rd And 5th Dimensional Timelines

Imagine the scenario that you are driving across a large plain and you have the radio on playing 3rd dimensional frequency music emanating from a radio station antenna, which you have left far behind you and are gradually distancing yourself from, so the frequency becomes weaker and less audible and crackled. Yet as you continue your journey, your radio now picks up on 5th dimensional frequency music from a new radio antenna much further ahead on your journey.. Its clarity is weak at first but as you drive closer and closer the sound and clarity becomes much clearer. This is what is happening right now as we are concurrently in - a timeline split between the 3rd and 5th dimensional frequencies.

Free Will Choice

Human beings have the free will choice to choose as to which frequency they wish to vibrate at moment to moment within their daily lives. Those of a higher consciousness and awakened are moving towards the 5th dimensional frequency timeline and benefiting from accessing through being in alignment with these new cosmic rays and solar flares through the ascension portals. It is therefore important for us to understand we must let go of the past and the third dimensional frequencies which we have experienced to date. There is no turning back. The more we try to hold on to the painful and obsolete mis-creations from our past, the more difficult our Ascension process will be. Any resistance will only slow down our progress and create more pain and suffering for us. We are all sovereign beings with the capacity of free will choice. Some human spirits may not consciously choose to align themselves or simply be unaware and ignorant of the consequences. You cannot force another human being to make that choice, even if it may be a colleague, friend or family member. Understanding the choice is your own and solely your own to choose is of paramount importance. Whether to consciously awaken into this new reality, vibrate at a 5th dimensional frequency in order to enter fully into the 5th dimensional timeline. Those who choose to continue within the 3rd dimensional paradigm will continue to do so and the consequences of that choice, whatever may transpire, will be their own. Michael J Robey Psychic Medium | Psychic Investigator | Spiritual Counsellor


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