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Testimonials are very important to as this provides us with accurate feedback from our customers as well as a greater understanding of their needs and expectations. We provide all testimonials whether positive or negative. Any constructive criticism ensures we improve our services in the future, For a wide range of testimonials please visit . Mediumship Reading Testimonial "We visited Greece this spring, and we had booked an appointment with Michael quite in the beginning. We did our reading together, which was good, we’re a couple standing very near to each other. Sometimes you really need somebody who reminds you about the things that you actually have inside of yourself. We talked a lot about vibrations, so well-known, but many times forgotten. We discussed being free, not putting energy to fights you can’t win; however the ”results” of the fight will be, you still can’t win against Big Money and Authority... So, don’t let it take the energy. Become what you’re meant to be. And look after: do you do your decisions out of fear - or out of love? After having met Michael, our trip was changed. We were reminded everywhere, we enjoyed, we discussed a lot. And we felt free. We still do. This was more than we ever could expect. We have done big changes and taken risks before, together. And now again, life keeps on changing. Thank you" Marina and Leena Furubacka, Finland

Psychic Investigation Testimonials " I was looking desperately for my cats who disappeared 8 days ago so I met Michael and the same day of the meeting I found her. He told me that she was stuck in a pipe in a specific area and I found her like he said ... Amazing really." Chloe Kritharas

"Michael was really detailed about the item he read and provided useful information relating to it. As the item for the reading was a gift from an unknown source, it was not easy to find a reader able to do so long distance. There are some antique items that can be energetically cleared, and some with so much past it can't really be cleared to be used. I am very happy and grateful for Michael's assistance and information so i can better decide how to handle this item. He provided its history which was more important than the specific name of the owner as the intent behind the item was more important to me than the specifics." Joanne H.

Spiritual Development Course Testimonial "My 2 hour session with Michael was very insightful with lots of information shared by him to better understand the inner workings for the questions I had. It is rare to find someone willing to share complex ideas in simple ways that were easy for me to understand. There are times where we read ideas on a page and hit a plateau with the true understanding and application, unable to go any further with our current understanding and experiences, and Michael is able to help us break through. It is an honour to be able to learn from Michael who is patient and experienced to explain and understand the questions I had. Thank you for your time and sharing, Michael, I look forward to our future sessions!" Joanne H. Michael J Robey Psychic Medium | Psychic Investigator

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