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It is now the ending of the old year and the beginning of 2017, which could be filled with many emotions. Now, you will enter the unseen, and you can enter a new year equipped with an arsenal of heavenly energies. Many of the events that have happened in 2016 have made people realise how fragile life is and how quickly things can change.

Many have awakened further to the realisation that all answers come from within ones own heart as a passageway to the Divine. Freeing themselves from the matrix of mind control, which has plagued human existence for eons.

Now is not a good time to be clinging to past issues and past hurts. Letting go is a good option because it frees you from heartache caused by going over and over the past. Feelings cannot be seen, but they exist. Therefore it is important to stay in touch with your feelings, which puts you closer to the Divine. Realise that negative thinking will pull you and your world down. That is not to say it’s going to be easier than it was before, but we must look ahead of us. We have to draw upon the Divine Spirit and continue to battle the negative forces. Your internal peace can guide many during rough times and will be greatly needed for many who are open to the light. Now is the time to let down the walls that have kept you trapped. If you choose your spiritual path these entrapment's will soon start to fade away and you will get a taste of real freedom. You can become more aware of your connection to everything as you let down your guard and remove the walls.

Focus on what has changed for you and what you desire to change in the future. For some of you this will be easy to do. For others who are resistant to change, pulling down those walls will be more challenging. Allow yourself to connect with that spark within that has been glowing inside of you from the beginning of your existence. Sometimes we only get a glimpse of the eternal, but those moments are given to us so that we have the fortitude to carry on. Even if circumstances try to take you away from focusing on who you really are, you must not let them stop you from connecting to your true self. No matter what choice you make, you have not failed any test. You are here on this dimensional vibration existence for a reason. Your goal for the year should be to find what that reason is and start acting upon it. Wake up and live!

The mass raising of consciousness of mankind can and will change our existence for the betterment of all. As the controlling aspects lose their grip and self destruct, we as individual spirits return to and become the Source of Love.

Love Can And Will Overcome Fear. Create A New You For The New Year..

Michael J Robey

Psychic Medium | Psychic Investigator.

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